15. Alyssa Milano (Fear and Charmed)
I've loved her since Fear, and I was also very excited when she was cast in Charmed
14. Kelly Packard (California Dreams and Baywatch)
She played Tiffani Smith in California Dreams - one of my fave shows as a young teen! She also played April Giminski on Baywatch!
13. Janet Jackson

12. Larisa Oleynik (Alex Mack and 10 Things I Hate About You)
She started out as a preteen crush on Alex Mack, and then Babysitter's Club; she became a late teen crush when she was cast in "10 Things..."
11. Amy Jo Johnson (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)
I think pretty much everyone was in love with the Pink Ranger in some type of way.
10. Mel B (Spice Girls)
I loved Mel B since the very beginning, and still am a fan to this day
9. Christina Ricci (Casper)
I was so in love with her when "Casper" was released
8. Robyn
Something about her was super hot to me as a teen; in fact, she is first girl crush I had that wasn't a secret
7. Danielle Fishel (Boy Meets World)
I think everyone loved Topanga
6. Alicia Silverstone (Clueless)
I liked her since I saw her in "Clueless" and liked her all over again when I saw "Blast From The Past"
5. Julianne Moore (The Fugitive)
I've loved her since I saw her in "The Fugitive" at 13 - enough said
4. T-Boz (TLC)
I first heard TLC when I was 12, and have loved her ever since - just something about her
3. Jessica Simpson
I am not a fan nowadays, but I used to totally be in love with her, and my teen years started that decade (and a half) long crush. The "I Think I'm In Love With You" video is still one of my favorites
2. Tiffani-Amber Thiessen (Saved By The Bell and Beverly Hills, 90210)
I was 9 when I first saw her on my TV; "Saved by the Bell" was my fave show, and I was instantly in Love with Kelly Kapowski. She was 15 that first season, but age was just a number to me. I was very excited when she went on to play Valerie Malone on 90210
1. Christina Aguilera
I have had a crush on her since 1992 when she was on MMC, We were the same age, she was super talented, and very cute. A few years later she returned for "Reflection" (Mulan), and then a little known song/video called "Genie in a Bottle". I've loved her for almost 30 years. She is still one of my crushes AND favorite singers.